Full Clinic Experience.
Technology for delivering healthcare, especially remotely, is complex and rapidly evolving. We make it simple. From patient interface, through smart diagnostic devices to the physician experience, we connect the dots. If you need to deliver healthcare in a new location – we make it happen.
Not just video calls.
Remote Healthcare is about more than a video call. We bring the full A-Z clinic experience to your remote patients: From the welcoming, taking the vital signs, the doctor visit and patient instructions and education. One complete, seamless and inviting experience. The GALE eClinic Point-of-Care solution.
Costs matter.
GALE is designed from the ground up to make deployment affordable: Ease of use means you don’t need an expensive clinician to operate the unit. With our deployment management platform the need for local IT support is eliminated. So with benefits up and costs down, your new deployment is successful.
Rural Communities
GALE can be deployed in a rural community center, church or the local retail shop. The units can be operated by the patient or with the assistance of a community member. AI optimized integration allows GALE to operate standalone or with a healthcare provider. GALE has the flexibility to connect to multiple healthcare networks. Government, Private or International providers.
GALE delivers healthcare to schools, providing both real-time access to clinicians for assessment and wellness information to educate families on managing conditions, first-aid treatments and healthy living.Click here to learn how the GALE Schools package reduces absenteeism, boosts healthcare for students and staff, and enhances provider-parent engagement.
Onsite Telehealth care is a convenience for employees while reducing absences and improving productivity. Wellness programs provide a convenient method for employees to track health metrics and helps drive down overall medical costs.Customized healthcare education promotes company initiatives. The result is an improved, healthier workplace environment.
Remote Patient Monitoring
Customers can use GALE for both regular telehealth visits and remote patient monitoring in a simple, secure, and private way. Monitor multiple patients’ vital signs over time with the best smart, connected devices and help physicians make better decisions. GALE does not require expensive, complicated EHR/IT integration.
Care Anywhere
GALE provides benefits to anyone working or living in a connected remote environment. Oil rigs, logging operations, ships at sea, airplanes on extended flights, etc. Providing quality Telehealth interactions with care providers that may be hundreds of miles away allows timely assistance in case of an accident or illness.